Thursday, August 07, 2008

Orange I Am advertisment

well orange and fallon advertising have created an amazing series of ads titled "I AM" they follow the stories of various people

1. Mark Beaumont (holder of the round the world on a bicycle record)

2. I Am Everyone (unsure of who this is but its my favorite)

3. I Am Jont (Jont the genius behind the "UNLIT" sessions confusing yes click any of this to see his website)

4. Rose Tremain (winner of the orange prize for fiction video not yet available)

5. I Am Rob Law (inventor of the trunki ride on suitcase as seen on dragons den)

while the last two aren't available to embed right now you can see them at or click this paragraph to be flown there

Brand: Orange
Tagline: I Am Everyone
Agency: Fallon
Airing: Currently

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