Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Google Chrome

well what a turn up for the books google does something bad google chrome sucks this is just my opinion but it is kinda ... crap i cant think of any other word the tabs sit where the header bar wold be on firefox its all kinds of crazy see screenshot 

ha remember that was just a few seconds ago 

i am using the vista version and cant imagine the xp version being much better but i may try it and update 
i see no usability and no functionality there was no "welcome to chrome" page and no "you may find" these useful links

they have a getting started page which keeps o their minimal help free style and advertise their "box of everything and wonder of marvelous amazment"

sorry for that delay i was getting some smoothie ... of course delay wold not be understood in a one piece text constant so my apology is pointless nevertheless 

back the the topic 

oh this smoothie is off!!  it burns

yes google chrome i dont like it much  more shots to follow


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