Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My sister has been a prime rant maker lately and not least for her room leaving tendencies.

yes such a simple act as leaving a room is annoying among this sibling.

there is the leave for attention. "right I'm going to bed now I'm wrecked and cant work so its pointless and there is no need i can work tomorrow" followed by my retort of "mhmm"

followed by "unless i have a drink and do something or maybe ... (5 Min's of nothing pass) no i am gonna go night"

Me "night"

from now on this will be screenplay style with me signified by (s) and my sister as (b) OK lets'a'go

there is the leave room to make someone do something

(b) Hey lets do {insert pointless self indulgent task that requires my input here}

(s) huh erm nah

(b) aww go onnnnnnnnn [this is when i know I'm in deep she wants it and is willing to stamp her feet to get it]

(s) NO

(b) pleaseee [turns nice here] Pretty please with a cherry

(s) No

(b) *sigh* oh well i will just go to bed then [now keep in mind here it will take the best part of two hours for her to actually go to bed so i don't want this to happen]

(s) what do you want to do ?

(b) oh just play this song on guitar {and ruin it by playing it in the same way i play every song} and have you sing it

(s) FINE [stop what i am doing and enquire further]

(b) right so if you just get the the tab up on the screen and oh this guitar isn't tuned right and right lets go [all giddy due to getting her own way]

(b) [strike up her same old droney way of ruining any song she takes a fancy to]

(s) [i sing with in a some what half hearted way]

(b) come on i don't know how it goes

(s) [starts to sing with a little more gusto]

(b) the song has now finished and i am wanting to get back to listening to my podcast and editing a fat dude photo onto zac efron's face to send to a Nigerian "banker"

(b) oh lets right a song

(s) no

(b) please

(s) NO

(b) pretty please

(s) FINE !! but only if we can right a comedy style song

(b) yeah ok
{B} she starts to play the same slow sombre glasvegas self indulgent shit and sings something along the lines of "he sleeps on the forest flooor"

(s) [not happy]
{we argue}

(b) fine i will go to bed then

(s) mhmm

{she now stomps upstairs}
OK that was long

she will return 30 Min's later saying

(b) oh i just had a slump I'm gonna do some work
{fires up un fire able for tab laptop}

she now reels a bunch of boring news stories from the SUN usually prefixed with "GOOD GOD"

then spends an hour doing a (please ask what I'm giggling at) titter as she looks through HER OWN facebook photos.

this is just a snippet of the sister i have to have and how i survive (with self harm and distancing myself)

she is just home for Easter in June she is home from uni until she gets her own house !!!!!


P.S the Nigerian "banker" story will be updated once i lead him on some more



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